Savings Using the Same Staff & Writing the Same Number of Medical Necessity Appeals
Scenario 1
Manual vs. AI
Savings Using the Same Staff & Writing the Same Number of Appeals
ROI Achieved: 29% up to 176%
This video shows a calculator that proves the dollar and time savings possible - no, CERTAIN - when using the Aerolib AI Portal to do all your appeal letter writing
Scenario 2
Manual 100% vs. AI 100%
Savings Using AI vs. Manual to Appeal 100% of Denials Received
ROI Achieved: 176% up to 470%
This video shows a calculator that proves the huge hidden benefit of putting Nurses back to work in Nursing instead of appeal letter writing for 100% of your denials.
Scenario 3
Outsourcing vs. AI
Savings Using AI vs. Outsourcing
to Appeal 100% of Denials Received
ROI Achieved: 200%
This video shows a calculator that proves the extraordinary savings of using AI to appeal 100% of even a large number of denials, which is cost prohibitive to do by outsourcing.